NEWS 2024
The 2nd Research Report Meeting of Optics Education and Research Center will held
We will held the research results in four projects: "Smart Manufacturing Optics", "Smart ICT Social Optics", "Real-World Information Optics", and "Natural Environment Optics". The purpose of these projects is to form a base for the creation of research areas that can lead Japan and the world in the field of optics.
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We are now hiring!
We are currently looking for Associate professors.Pleasce click here for more details.
CORE seminor
183th Core seminor will held on February 27.Check here!
CORE seminor
182th Core seminor will held on February 25.Check here!
Donation for 3C
We are pleased to announce that we have received a donation from Tama T.L.O., Inc. We sincerely appreciate their cooperation.
CORE seminor
180th and 181th Core seminor will held on November 28.Check here!
Prof. Otani Receives Fellow Award from Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP)
Professor Yukitoshi Otani received the Fellow Award from the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Published in “KIDS' SCIENCE” by Seibundo Shinkosha
3D images (volumetric display system) developed by Assistant Professor Kumagai, Professor Hayasaki and a research group at JVC Kenwood's Future Creation Laboratory are introduced.
Please check it out at bookstore.
Student Research Presentation at the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
At the Japan Society for Precision Engineering Fall Conference Student Research Presentation held in September, the poster
presentation by Nomura of the Otani Laboratory received the Lasertec Corporation Award.
The 20th UUO Salon and the 6th UU-CORE Seminar to be held at Itabashi Optoforum
The 20th UUO Salon and the 6th UU-CORE Seminar will be held on Thursday, October 3, 2024 at Itabashi Green Hall.
Photonics Technology Exchange Meeting among Four Universities
Photonics Technology Exchange Meeting among 4 Universities was held at Sanaru Kaikan Hall (Hamamatsu Campus, Shizuoka University) by Utsunomiya University, The University of Tokushima, Shizuoka University, and The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries.
Utsunomiya University (CORE) and Xi'an University of Technology (iCORE) Hold International Symposium
Center for Optical Education and Research (CORE) at Utsunomiya University and
International Center for Optical Education and Research (iCORE) at Xi'an University
of Technology have signed an academic exchange agreement for the year 2021.
International Symposium was held in conjunction with the visit of President Liu Weiguo
of Xi'an University of Technology.
Visiting Professor at National Chung Hsing University
Professor Hayasaki was awarded the title of Visiting Professor at National Chung Hsing University.
Professor Hayasaki Receives Distinguished Professorship from Feng Chia University, Department of Optoelectronic Engineering
On July 8, Professor Hayasaki gave a seminar lecture at Feng Chia University, Department of Optoelectronic Engineering. He was also awarded the title of Distinguished Professor.
Volumetric Display for Interactive Volumetric Imaging to be Exhibited at SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies
Assistant Professor Kumagai, Professor Hayasaki, and their research group at the JVC KENWOOD Corporation Miraizon Research Institute will present their research results at SIGGRAPH 2024 Emerging Technologies, the top conference in the field of computer graphics, to be held from July 28 to August 1, 2012, in Denver, CO. The research group will exhibit and present their research results at SIGGRAPH2024, the top conference in the field of computer graphics, from July 28 to August 1 in Denver, CO.
Published in Optical Technology Contact
Mitsuo Takeda, a researcher emeritus at the Optical Technology Education and Research Center, has published an article titled “Zakkan: Optical Technology and Optical Engineers in a Super-Aging Society” in the March 2024 issue of Optical Technology Contact.
Prof. Toshihiko Baba, a member of the Advisory Board, was awarded Medal with Purple Ribbon
One of the advisory board members of the Center for Optics Education and Research, Prof. Toshihiko Baba, was awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon in May.
Collaboration of Light and Art
A research group led by Assistant Professor Kumagai and Professor Hayasaki of
the Optical System Design Laboratory created a holographic laser-processed grating work by Ryoufuka, a calligrapher from
Tochigi Prefecture, as a collaboration project between light and art. This work was exhibited at the summer open campus
of Utsunomiya University and was introduced on the official blog. We will continue to work on the theme of expanding artistic
expression through optical technology.
2024 euspen talent program
SUN MANNING from Otani Lab has won a prize in the 2024 euspen talent program.
euspen talent program is an international competition to identify outstanding
students who have the potential to become future leaders in the fields of precision engineering and nanotechnology.
2023JOSA-A “Best Paper Award
The paper “Wave description of geometric phase” by Prof. Hagan's group was published in AppliedOptics and was selected as an Editor's Pick.
Luis was a former student of Prof. Hagan's group received the “Best Paper Award” of 2023JOSA-A.
Co-authored papers was published
A paper Prof.Hagen and Assoc.Prof.Shinoda co-authored was published on Wiley-ISTE.
N. Hagen, "Hyperspectral imaging", Chapter 4 in Computational Imaging for Scene Understanding --- Transient, Spectral, and Polarimetric Analysis, Okabe, T. & Funatomi, T. (Eds.) 2024
CORE seminor
177th Core seminor will held on May 29.Check here!
We are now hiring!
We are currently looking for Specially-appointed assistant professors.Pleasce click here for more details.
Prof. Yamamoto's interview article was published
An interview article about the appeal and possibility of aerial display was published on EXIDEA "So-gúd". Please take a look here.
OPIC2024 was held at Pacifico Yokohama and this was chaired by our Honory Director Yatagai.
Prof.Otani also chaired OPTM and Prof.Hayasaki chaired IP.
CORE seminor
173th Core seminor will held on April 18.
174th Core seminor will held on April 26.Check here!
Center for Optical Research and Education was published in Utsunomiya University's magazine “UUnow”
Prof. Yamamoto's Lob has been published. Feel free to check it out.
Associate Professor Hasegawa recieving the "Best Business Award"
“Photonics Callenge2024” was held on March 5th 2024 and our Assistant Professor Hasegawa (Holodesign, Inc.) was awarded for the “Best Business Award”. Congratulations!